Metformin is Not a Magic Weight Loss Pill

Although scientists have warned: Type 2 diabetes drugs such as Metformin and Ozempic are not miraculous for weight loss and their use outside of the main purpose brings unknown side effects, these drugs are still used for weight loss.
Dr. Asadullah Rajab, a member of the board of directors of the Iranian Diabetes Association, told SINAPress: Metformin is one of the drugs that has been used for more than 60 years. Metformin is the first line of drug therapy for blood sugar control worldwide.
He added: This drug lowers blood sugar and insulin sensitivity and causes more sugar to enter the muscle tissue. It also causes the production of glucose in the liver. This drug has many effects and can even control fats. According to some research, metformin is useful in preventing cancer too.
He pointed out: Today, it is said that this drug can cause weight loss, so some people use it for bodybuilding and fat burning which is not recommended at all. Nowhere in the world is metformin recommended for fat-burning or weight loss.
Rajab reminded: This medicine must be used with the physician’s prescription and should not be used for fat burning at all because, in the long term, it will create many complications. Physicians prescribe medicine by considering the positive and negative side effects of the drugs and according to the patient’s condition. In people with diabetes, the doctor prescribes metformin when the patient cannot control blood sugar with conventional treatments such as weight loss, healthy eating, physical activity, and stress management. Also, these drugs should not be given to others without a prescription. The only way to lose weight is through exercise and a healthy diet
Dr. Iraj Khosronia, internist, member of the academic staff of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Society of Internal Medicine Specialists of Iran, told SINAPress: Any drug that is taken without a prescription is harmful, because a drug may have a special property. When prescribing medicine, the physician considers the advantages and disadvantages of the medicine, then prescribes medicine for the disease. For example, although metformin may reduce blood sugar and cause weight loss, it has other side effects.
He added: Ozempic is not an exception. All sold medicines, even herbal ones, should not be taken without a prescription; Herbal medicines contain mixed ingredients that may harm the body and cause many side effects.
According to SINAPress, he clarified: The only way to lose weight is through physical activity and using a healthy diet. Those who constantly sit and have desk jobs and eat unhealthily, should not expect to lose weight just by taking pills.
Reported by: Farzaneh Sedghi
Translated by: Mehdi Fallahi Panah